Leveraging HL7 v2 and FHIR Standards for Effective EHR Integration in B2B Applications

Healthcare data exchange standards form the backbone of successful EHR integration. inicioHub’s sophisticated message translation capabilities ensure that B2B applications can communicate effectively with hospital systems, regardless of the underlying standards they employ. Want to know more about inicioHub? Click Here.

Understanding Healthcare Standards

HL7 v2 continues to be the workhorse of healthcare integration, while FHIR represents the future of healthcare interoperability. inicioHub bridges both worlds, providing:

  • Comprehensive support for HL7 v2 message types
  • Built-in message translation services
  • Flexible API specifications that adapt to various standards
  • Future-ready architecture supporting emerging standards

The platform’s ability to transform messages between different formats ensures that B2B solutions can focus on their core functionality while leaving the complexities of healthcare messaging to inicioHub.

Want to know more about inicioHub? Click Here.

The Inicio Partnership Network

We are putting together like minded companies looking to improve patient outcomes through technology. If you would like to join this network please Contact Us.

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Brought to you from the team responsible for the UK’s first fully digital Hospital to HIMSS 7

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